Sunday, 22 September 2013

Many are predicting an upward movement


Profit buy, hold: 6583.8 - 5871 - 7 * (25 + 11 + 14) - 1 = 361.80

post expense KNN: 1133.77 - (7 + 1) * (25 + 11) = 869.67
Right 25.00

Wrong 11.00
Bin Test 0.0057

Null 14.00

date close f'cast gain/loss cum note outturn
20130920 6596.4 1

cautiously optimistic
20130913 6583.8 1 12.60 1133.77 week started well I did better!
20130906 6547.3 -1 -36.50 1121.17 week started well
20130830 6412.93 1 134.37 1157.67 believeable

... and so do I.
Model says on a scale 1-10, this rates a 3
I am less sure.

The limit was close last week.  
Close was 6596 so:- Stop loss 6510, Limit  6683
I need to look at stop-losses and limits.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Possible upturn


Profit buy, hold: 6547.3 - 5871 - 7 * (24 + 11 + 14) - 1 = 332.30

post expense KNN: 1121.17 - (7 + 1) * (24 + 11) = 877.67
Right 24.00

Wrong 11.00
Bin Test 0.0083

Null 14.00

date close f'cast gain/loss cum note outturn
20130913 6583.8 1

20130906 6547.3 -1 -36.50 1121.17 week started well
20130830 6412.93 1 134.37 1157.67 believeable
20130823 6492.1
n/a 1023.30 hol

Weak bet on rise over next week 

Been looking into stop losses and position sizes.

Position size : on a scale 1-10, this rates a 2.
Close was 6583.8:- Stop loss 6497, Limit  6670

Movements are currently driven by news and so any mechanical technique is very vulnerable.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

More Congestion?

Access limited as not at home

Weak bet on fall over next week 

Been looking into stop losses and position sizes.

Position size : on a scale 1-10, this rates a 2.
Close was 6547.3:- Stop loss 6632, Limit  6416

Movements are currently driven by news and so any mechanical technique is very vulnerable.